Log Home Maintenance Articles
Timber frame finish by Log Home Care can protect and enhance more than just log homes. Log homes come in many varieties… milled, hand-scribed, square logs, D-logs, and more but other forms of solid-timber construction include timber frame and post and beam homes...
If stripping is required, we will provide sample stripping product for homeowner testing. For oil based and some other stain removal, a chemical stripper may specified. This citrus acid-based finish removal product should be generously applied to a test log (typically one log height, no......
Understanding exterior log finish products will serve to help you understand when and what type of exterior care a log home may require. Oil based stains were once common, inexpensive, and easy to apply but oil wicks into the wood over time and needed to......
While adequate air exchange is essential for health and safety, many older log homes have a far higher rate of air exchange than is necessary. This is often due to poor design and/or construction which allow air leakage from the inside or outside of the......
When a tree falls in the forest Mother Nature immediately goes to work breaking it down and returning it to the soil. The primary agents of the “rotting” process are ultraviolet radiation (sunlight) and the presence of moisture accompanied by wood boring insects, mold and......
1.) Wash your home if you have an acrylic finish. Just like your car gets dirty, the surface of your home collects dirt that contributes to mildew growth which will cause discoloration and begin to break down the stain. Acrylic finishes can be washed with......
Certain maintenance rituals greet the log home owner annually and when properly maintained, your log home can remain a source of beauty and pride for years to come. Exterior Finish Care: acrylic finishes like those from PermaChink and Sashco benefit from annual cleaning with a......
Log rot isn’t a pretty issue to discuss nor is it a fun issue to deal with. Understanding what to look for and the preventative or restoration processes used can help log home owners worry less and enjoy their homes more. In the forest, when......
There is nothing like living in a log home but sometimes the fear of maintenance issues keeps people from pursuing their dream of log home ownership. As products and processes improve, maintenance issues become easier to deal with and we want to make you aware......
Log End Caps™ are engineered thermal foam plugs designed for log homes where round logs meet square framing components around doors and windows. This low-cost, easy to apply product reduces air and insect infiltration and provides a weather tight seal. We invented and manufacture this......
It’s easy to experience decision fatigue: a state in which, faced with too many choices the quality of an individual’s decisions begins to deteriorate. The search to find log home products and services that you can rely on is, frankly, overwhelming- even with something as......
In our line of work, we are fortunate to meet log home owners throughout the Midwest and Southern states and often many of the same log home maintenance questions are on their minds. How often should I reseal my log home? The short answer is......
A common misconception of log homebuyers is that log homes are impervious to the elements and are built to last forever with little maintenance. The truth of the matter is that proper maintenance of effectively combats your log home’s four main enemies: Sun Moisture Insects......
In our line of work, we are fortunate to meet log home owners throughout the Midwest and Southern states and often many of the same repair and maintenance log home questions are on their minds. How often should I reseal my log home? The short......
Owning a home is an investment, and there are ways you can reduce expenses while protecting your log home investment. Investment or Expense? Log home maintenance expenses become investments when they: Increase the resale value of your home, or Help avoid future costly repairs. In......
Carpenter bees resemble yellow jackets or large bumble bees but their abdomen is black, shiny and without hair. Their body size ranges from 3/4 to 1 inch in length and has a blue-black to black color with a green or purplish metallic sheen. The male......
Refinishing a chinked home requires a slightly different approach from the procedure typically followed for refinishing log-on-log construction. The issue is how to handle the chinking. We have found the best way to refinish chinked (Appalachian) style log construction is to chemically strip existing finish......
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