How We Do It | Log Home Care Maintenance
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How We Do It

Log Home Care and Repair

Our Process

Since 1993 we have built our reputation by educating our customers, bidding fairly, communicating clearly, dealing honestly, and following through with our commitment to provide outstanding service.

Our goal is to solve problems and answer questions from our very first point of contact. We may ask you to send photos (if possible) to better assess the situation and will schedule a short telephone conference to discuss specifics of your project and establish a range of costs encountered by others completing similar projects.

Repair and Restoration Projects

Because of the custom nature of these services, specific project steps vary and will be itemized at time of quote. Surface refinishing projects are typically standardized and the detailed steps are itemized below.

Removal of the Existing Finish

Finish removal is a critical step in the refinishing process, much like rust removal is essential in automotive bodywork, and can best be accomplished by either chemical or dry media stripping. The appropriate chemical stripping compound will emulsify and lift failed existing sealant to the surface, where properly regulated commercial pressure washing units wash away the softened finish. Chemical testing assures proper quality control standards are met during this important stage of the process.

Dry media blasting (most often with recycled crushed glass media) will physically remove most finish treatments that do not respond to chemical stripping. Abrasive finish removal with a pressure washer or the use of chlorine bleach is never recommended for log home surface refinishing. We use only biodegradable, environmentally safe compounds to extract the existing sealant and brighten the wood. They are safe for plants and grasses, contain no dangerous acid or chlorine bleaching agents and eliminate both surface and latent mold/algae within the wood.

Borate Treatment

This naturally occurring element provides protection as a wood preservative and is toxic to insects that ingest it. Borate can be applied once the finish has been removed and bare wood is exposed, as borate salts must be able to leach into the wood to be effective. We offer borate treatment as an optional wood preservative treatment for the homes that we strip.

Project Timetable

Following the cleaning process, wood surfaces will thoroughly dry prior to sealant application. Depending upon weather conditions, this may be as soon as the following day. Because we use specialized equipment and employ multiple crews, most chemical refinishing projects can be completed in about one week (depending upon weather conditions) and media blast projects most often take a few days longer.

Additional Required Repairs

Minor chinking, caulking, and spot repairs can be accomplished during the cleaning/stripping phase of the process if agreed upon ahead of time. Significant repairs should be discussed prior to project initiation for specific scheduling and quotation.

Sealant Application

After masking windows, doors, and other areas that are not being sealed, primary application is by modified airless spray pumps that produce droplets of sealant rather than a cloud of mist. The airless pump simply delivers the liquid to the surface; actual application is by brushing the sealant into the wood for consistent application thickness and control. Edges and critical areas are finished by hand to assure quality application. Additionally, contact insecticide can be applied at no cost for carpenter bee and wood boring insect control.

Call us at: (800) 932-1275